Robert Carter Nicholas letter to John Norton, 1773 April 24


Robert Carter Nicholas letter to John Norton, 1773 April 24



Folder 82

Original Format

Ink on paper


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Williamsburg 24th Agt. 1773

Dear Sir.

Having this Moment heard of a
Ship bound for Whitehaven, I have but just time
to forward a Letter from a Select Committee of
Correspondence, appointed in pursuance of some
late Resolutions of our House of Burgesses, as the
Subject of it is reckon'd of infinite Importance,
I beg Leave to recommend it to your most serious
Attention. Many People are very impatient
for the Copper Money, which I'm in hopes will soon
be procured by your friendly Assistance; you'll be
pleased to remember that it is to be sent imme:
diately to me as Treasurer & not to any other
Person. The Memory of our late worthy Governor
continues to be held in the highest Estimation; seve:
ral Gentlemen of my Acquaintance have desired
me to procure them his Picture in Miniature,
I mean such Medallions as you made me a
present of; I should therefore be much obliged,
if you'll be pleased by the first Opportuni:
ty to send me over four of them. I have not
to add but that I am with the best Wishes
for you & all yours, Dr. Sir,

Yr. afte. hble Servt.
Ro. C. Nicholas

P.S. Don't give yrself
any Uneasiness abt. W. G.
I gave you my Sentiments fully
by Necks; I have recd. yr. Letter of Attorney, but really don't think
it worth while to degrade you so much as to enter into any

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Controversy with him. I know that some People are
so despicable that they can only receive Importance
by being taken Notice of. All your Friends here, with
whom I have conversed on the Subject, view it in
the Light you would wish. You will before this
gets to Hand have received Colo. Corbin's Proposals,
& will be best able to judge of them. I think you
should not be too delicate out of Regard to your
Neighbour: as the Correspondence was unsolicited
by you, it is impossible that the least want of
Candour or generosity can be with Justice im:
puted to you. Adieu for the present.

[Page 3, blank]

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Virginia 24th April 1773

Rob. Carter Nicholas
Receivd the 19th June

Goods entd. pa: 252

Ansd the 6th. July
p Mr. Harrison


Nicholas, Robert Carter, 1728-1780, “Robert Carter Nicholas letter to John Norton, 1773 April 24,” John Norton & Sons Papers, John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library, accessed May 16, 2024,