John Smith letter to John Norton, 1767 January 8



John Smith letter to John Norton, 1767 January 8



John Smith writes to Norton concerning his business enterprises and to request a number of items be sent to him. Smith asks Norton to send a good baker and gardener and two trustworthy individuals to run his store. He hopes to expand his offerings with the goods Norton may provide. Smith hopes to be able to purchase tobacco for Norton at a 5% commission. Among the items Smith requests are sails for his mills and a pair of mastiffs.


MS 1936.3.46
Folder 5


Special Collections, John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation

Original Format

Ink on paper


Page 1

Norfolk Borough Jany: 8th. 1767

Mr. Norton


I have Maide bold to wright to You for a
Parcel of Goods hopeing that it will be Your
Pleasure in Sending them to me, as I am
senceable if You will send them to me they
will be Greatly to my Advantage and shall
always Esteam it One of the greatest favours
ever done me, as you are a Purchaser of Tobacca
it will Sute me very well, if it be agreeable to
You, to Purchace to Send to You, and You Shall
have it as Resonable as I can only Allowing
me a Commision of five pCent on what I buy
for You and make You Remittance that way
to Pay You for what Ever Goods Youl Please to order
to me as I should not Chose Yet a while to enter
in that way of Shiping my Self on my one
Accot:, You may be well Assure'd of my Fedellity
to You in doing the best for You I Possibly can
and withall to get a little for my Self & Family

The manner I whant the Goods & the manner
that I whant to Pay if God's willing is this that
every Year remittance shall be maide and if it does
not Sute to Remit the whole Sum what ever
Ballance is due to You shall be Glad to pay
You Interest for it, as Perhaps the first Year may
be the worst, I do Deal a Little that way but
Cheafly in the Baking way, but for want of
a Good asortment cannot have so good a run
As if I was well Sorted with Dry Goods You may
depend that I will do all that Lays in my Power
turn Over

Page 2


Page 3

to Remit You Yearly what Lays in my Power
that You may depend upon it.

I Shall if You can have faith Enough in
me want two People that Can be very well Recomm=
ended to keep a Store that is well calculated for
that in every Perticular Let them be Persons
that will ame at Honour and Honesty as that
is the greatest Prize we can Get in this World
likewise I want a Good Gardner and a Good
Baker that is Acquainted with all it's branches

I should have maide Out a Larger a larger
Invoice but was afraide that Should Intrude
two much on You but if You think You can
Voutsafe to send a Larger a sortment shall
be Glad to take them, I Could wish that we
had been better acquainted then we whare Perhaps
I might have a Better Chance of Your complying
with my Request but as I did Comply with my
last Ingagements with you I make no doubt but
shall be able to do this, I shall be Oblige to you
if you will Order me in 3 or 4 £ worth of Garden
Seads. Yearely if You Send me in a Gardner. & some
Curious Flower roots, I did not mention any
Sail Cloath for my mills shall be Oblige to You
if You will Send me in two Sets; one for Each
of my mills, nothing more at Present but wishing
You may Satisfy my Curiosity; I remain Mrs.
Norton & Your Most Obedint & Most Huml. Servt.
John Smith

NB I want a Good Dog & Bitch of the
Mastif Bread which You may Send
with the Gardner

Address leaf

Mr. John Norton
Mercht. in

Virga Norfolk, 8th Janry 1767
John Smith
Recd. the 22nd July 1767

Accompany with Invoice
for Goods & send y other
things wch. for want of
Effects can't be complyd wth.


Smith, John, “John Smith letter to John Norton, 1767 January 8,” John Norton & Sons Papers, John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library, accessed April 16, 2024,